Gold Sponsors

Sale price Price $5,000.00 Regular price

Omni12Show gold Sponsors will have benefits shown below:


*1 Gold show car spot 10”x10”

*1 Gold Vendor spot 10”x10”

*1 pass to the VIP/Speaker preview

*3 passes to the show

*3 passes to NRG parking lot

*1-month logo recognition on Omni12show website homepage and sponsor section with web link

*1-month logo recognition on Cartfill B2B procurement website

*Company logo on show stage backdrops, on walk-in/out signage, and/or all possible screens onsite during show and VIP preview

*Logo placement on Step and Repeat banners, which serve as backdrop in all press photo opportunities

*sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to events

*Company logo will be presented on Omni12 Show cars

*Logo displayed on official event t-shirts

*Opportunity to place company material in attendee bags